Friday 17 June 2011

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  • little_willy
    03-03 02:32 PM
    Thanks ilikekilo, I'll check out IMG. Even with the rider for pre-existing condition, the coverage is limited to $15000 max, so I decided it isn't worth paying the extra premium for such little coverage.

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  • kevinkris
    12-03 05:49 PM
    I like your idea but the minimum is 50$/ month or 100$/ month.
    Infact i like the idea of 5$/ month.

    If 20,000 people donate 5$/ month = 1.2 million $/ year.
    = 1 million $ (after loosing transaction charges)

    So next step enable 5$/ month to 100$/ month RECURRING contribution arrangements ASAP.

    To avoid transaction charges let users pay quarterly or half-yearly recurring.
    i.e. if one wants to donate 5$/ month so it will be 30$/ 6 months etc.


    I was thinking about this today.

    All great Ideas and we are never short of Ideas on this website. However, we are always short of commited people who are willing to put in time and make their Ideas become a reality. We sure are 25,000 real members and If each of us commit 10$ every month diligently we have a consistent cash flow of $250,000 every month and committing 10$ every month is not hard at all. All of us in here are highly skilled, we all have decent paying jobs and we are definately not cheap labor because we have US Department of Labor (DOL) certifying our salary before we take up any Job in this great land.

    Would you be willing to the lead on making your Ideas become a reality. We have very few highly committed members in here who can provide support and guidance.

    We have already guided a few people on how to donate amounts less than the ones that are posted on this website and it is really simple. Any amount can be sent in as a donation through paypal to

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  • waiting_4_gc
    07-18 03:03 PM
    Guys , I think this issue has been discussed lot of times.
    1) USCIS do not allot immigrant visas, It is alloted by DOS.
    2) DOS needs a fix in the current EB laws to capture unused visa.
    3) I am not sure if we can push any change in law, given the current Iraq war quagmire.

    But I hope they speed up the overall application processing times, with all the increased Fee money they will get from July 30th (by investing money on IT).

    Not sure USCIS keep up their promise with a large volume of applications. I came to know from site that, 750,000 applications(yes,i'm talking about I-485) will be filed in this one month period. So, I'm really scared to imagine something good with such large volume.

    We should fight for recapturing unused visas and EB visa reform.
    Otherwise, we dont know how many more years we have to wait to get GC.

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  • starscream
    09-17 12:37 PM
    does anyone kknow who is the chairman(woman) of the judiciary commitee ???


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  • Znan
    04-07 01:42 PM
    Hi, once my friend has shared with me a website that gives the stats about any US based company regarding, total no of GCs filed, rejected, approved, etc., etc., I do not remember the site name. If anyone knows please let me know.


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  • fasterthanlight�
    05-30 11:14 PM
    Does the deadline have to be so farking close!?


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  • kate123
    06-10 10:15 AM
    Called all the representatives for the second time to co sponser the bills.. it took less than 10 min.

    -Thank you

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  • srikondoji
    10-10 10:48 PM
    The only difference between the historic data (1930/1960/1990) and 2008 is that, we are in globalized economy now. The crash you are seeing now is much much different than what anybody has seen before.

    Crude prices are crashing because the demand growth projections Goldman sachs had was based on availability of which is not the case now. So, demand for crude is lower and hence oil prices are crashing. Look at GM and ford. They are going down too, because auto sales are doomed for next 2 years.

    The problem why Gold will go up is multifold.
    China, OPEC countries have huge dollar reserves and hence would like to diversify their dollars. The run up in Gold is just because China and few Oil exporting countries were buying Gold. Gold still has more room to rise. I am talking about physical gold and not the paper gold (GLD ticker symbol).

    United States has to print dollars to meet the present crisis. At the same time, it has support those currency papers with Gold. Without Gold backing, dollar value will be crushed.
    I am goldsmith and i do know the history of Gold going back to decades. I also read several books to top it all.
    See the value of Gold after making inflation adjustments. Don't just look at the per ounce value in dollar terms.

    Unless you look at money supply (m3), you will not be able to get a grip on Gold value.
    Google on term 'brenton woods' and do some reading.

    The only way Gold can be crushed is if
    a) United States sells all its Gold holdings.
    b) If some gold miner miraculously says that they found a mine with billions of ounces of gold and which can profitably extracted.

    There is one theory floating around. United States may sell some of its gold reserves to make up for $700 Billions. However, there are buyers out there who would love to take that Gold. China's biggest headache right now is, what to do with their Dollars.

    United States long term bonds are going to yield nothing and will be worthless.

    We can go on this forever and fill these pages.

    Look at 1930/1960/1990 history you would understand why it make sense buy US bonds during stressed time because yield will go down and price will shoot up

    Eventually they will get out when they find there is no purchasing power on other side of globe. learn How gold crashed from $840 -$170 between 1981- 1990 and why gold price was stable between 1991-2001.

    Gold price would not shoot up when most of the developed countries banks are in trouble like 1989-1992

    I would not suggest more than 5% of your net worth in gold, but you should know your appetite

    China has to lend more of its reserve to western economies otherwise its own export will be in peril, so they would not invest in gold...

    Learn relationship between crude and gold, crude would go back to$50/barrel , so Arab govts would have not money to buy gold...

    Russians were stronger in 1970's and US crushed them to no where ,800 banks failed in 1990 and Japanese were stronger than today's Chinese economy but US smashed in 5 years

    If you understand how US crushed you would not laugh you would be happy that you are in best part of earth

    Moreover I am not saying I am right on everything , I am just writing what I feel , time has to judge our predictions.

    Do you know why economists are not best paid executives than scientist?

    You would understand laughing and bet would not make sense on capital markets.


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  • desi485
    11-10 06:39 PM
    I don't think this is true. But you put a seed of doubt in my mind, I will confirm with my attorney :)

    ItIsNotFunny, please DO SHARE once you are able to get some insight from your attorney. Meanwhile, I printed out AC21 IV campaign letters and went to each of my co-worker at my work-site and convinced them to send it. Hopefully atleast some of them will send it. Thanks for your effort on behalf of our "descriminated based on country of birth community" :)

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  • amitga
    02-06 02:05 PM
    I know there was a long discussion about this a while ago. My PD is in 2005 in EB2 category.

    Any guesses as to how long it will take without any reform? Is there a good guess on the total number of pending LCs in the queue? I would like to take that number and divide by 1400 (2800 for EB2/2).

    My guess is that with curret rate it will take anywhere from 10-15 years for EB2 to reach 2005.


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  • ElectricGrandpa
    06-15 10:02 AM
    Heyyy not allowed, you can't skin the screen/clickwheel.

    Thats not how a skin works mate

    Actually I wrote that same comment about someone else's a while back:

    Very neat. I like your black screen and nifty scrollwheel as well. I'm not sure if you're allowed to change them, but either way they look neat.

    To which the creator of the battle responded:

    @ElectricGrandpa: Im accepting it, its just some scan lines over it, and a black screen.

    So as far as I can tell, it's fair game.

    Funny how much the background makes it look better

    Yeah well the design in itself is fairly simple, but I've gotta make it stand out somehow. If I had a real iPod skin I would want it that simple as well.


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  • fasterthanlight�
    06-16 12:14 PM


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  • Carlau
    02-05 04:53 PM
    Before this thread takes a turn where supporters and opponents of this idea start another forum war, let me say this clearly:

    IV is not going to adopt this as an agenda item. The reason is quite simple: H4s not being able to work is low on priority of problems that need to be fixed in order to mitigate retrogression or other consequences of retrogression.

    And frankly, we do not have extra kind of support to add new agenda items on our list.

    A whopping 200 people signed up for recurring contributions of $20 per month. Out of 8000 people who registered here and got emails about it. However, almost every week, there is no shortage of new ideas and no shortage of opinions on those new ideas from people.

    We get $20 deposits each month from 200 people. But as far as opinions are concerned, we get hundreds of them each week. How nice? I wish we had some machine to convert those opinions into dollars.

    If you dont agree:

    Now, if someone feels offended by this, and feels that H4 issues are orphan issues, or if this organization does not represent them anymore since IV does not want to adopt H4 related issues on its agenda, and if that someone wants to leave, then please leave without any threats and feel free to start your own organization.

    And this thread has all the features and ingredients neccesary to become a forum war. If that happens this thread will be deleted.

    I am very dissapointed but very glad you finally said it, wish you did 6 months ago.

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  • Green.Tech
    06-17 01:10 PM
    We need to unite to have any impact at all. Please come forward and call the lawmakers. 90 vs 900 makes a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggg difference!


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  • shishya
    06-13 06:55 PM
    you can add your spouses before an I-485 is approved. Once its approved, then you are in trouble. These dates are current only temporarily, and retrogression ("severe" as per the bulletin) is expected again soon. So go ahead and file your I-485 right now if your PD is 'late' (2006 or so) you will probably be on EAD/AP for a while.

    if your PD is 2003/2004/2005, then as soon as 485 filing is done, start looking for your life partner :)

    Jesus! That looks sooo risky. Yes indeed my PD is May 06. Now the question is what if (I know a big IF), but what if, I apply for my 485 (hoping that my 485 will be on EAD/AP for a long time) BUT my 485 gets approved rather quickly and I am not able to marry before that happens -- do I have *any* way to tackle that issue? Or would it then mean that my wife cannot come in US for n number of years after marriage?!

    Jesus Christ! Does anything happen without a twist?! :)

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  • snvlgopal
    03-30 02:56 PM
    Recently i got 3 LUD's on Feb 26, March 27 and today March 30


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  • chicago60607
    09-17 11:08 AM
    Voting is still going on in the house ...........

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  • satishku_2000
    05-24 01:08 PM
    They want to charge $8500 for every renewal . I have a better idea here , make H1 valid for 3 months instead of 3 years, More money for these guys.

    All of these guys are competing give amnesty at the same punishing employers who play by the rules.

    These guys should be ashamed themselves. I dont be suprised if some of desi consulting companies encourage people to convert from H1 to Z1.

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  • foobar2001
    01-03 12:38 AM

    my parents will be travelling to the US in a couple of months, and I was looking for health insurance for them. Based on various forums, looks like US companies are preferable to insurance bought from india (and as per forums, ICICI lombard seems to have the most negative reviews among the indian firms).

    Anyways - has anyone used insu buy .com to buy medical insurance for their parents, and had to make a claim? They seem to be an insurance broker -- so the insurance company will be a third party, but they (insu_buy) seems to claim that they will also help out with claims in case of any issues.

    Anyone have any experience buying + claiming insurance via ? (and if so, what was the insurance company that sold the claim via ?)

    I searched immigration voice forums for "insu buy" but though there are many threads about medical insurance for parents, there doesnt seem to be any mention of -- so any experiences shared will be helpful.

    Thanks in advance!

    PS: Looks like the IV forum is automatically filtering out [insu buy] and [buy american insurance] if i remove spaces from the words -- probably an anti spam measure. Hence i've put spaces between the "insu" and "buy" & between "buy" and "american insurance" -- without it, when i preview my message before posting, the words seem to get auto filtered out of the message!! (anyone seen anything like this before?!!)

    11-20 01:29 PM
    In CIR, border security and amnesty were together. Now border security is before amnesty with the hope that there will be NO amnsety.

    This is the influence of Lou DoGGs!

    they call it 'attrition'! how much is their level of loathing immigrants that they hope they become desperate and either die from hunger or leave the country

    07-16 07:34 PM
    signed :) fwded it to Indian communties tooo:)

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