Friday 17 June 2011

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  • u.misc
    08-11 01:09 AM
    I don't believe that this is for real but i am really impressed with the hacker.
    He did one heck of the job and made people run on their heels and

    thanks to people on this forum he succeed 100%.

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  • ivdude
    10-02 04:28 PM
    I agree we should write to Indian Ambassador about this idiotic policy, also we should send out to media.

    Thanks for the template

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  • gdilla
    08-16 06:17 PM
    Talk to a lawyer and get the answers. But if you're on travel and questioned by immigration upon entrance if you're still working for sponsoring employer, depending on the circumstances, they can take your GC away. So that's another scenario separate from an audit or citrizenship interview that GC jeopardy may arise.

    If circumstances change, like you getting laid off or fired, that's a different story. If the sponsor's intent changes, and that does happen, then obviously, you're free to move on. But you should be able to prove that, with say a termination letter, for example.

    Many of us will be facing this decision and it's good to know the risks and the answers. Imagine you got a GC and now you have a +20k offer from the other company. Staying with your current employer for 6 months will cost you 10k. The question is "does the risk cost 10k?".

    This is how I see it, please correct me if I'm wrong. You can be questioned about leaving the company only in two cases: 1. citizenship interview, 2 - investigation/audit. In first case I don't see much problem, as many years will pass, and if you will not keep any documents, I don't see how USCIS will be going back and chasing these 4-5-6 months of your employment.

    Investigation is a different story. You have to be ready. The law says that you/your employer had to have intent to work on that position with that job description forever at the moment of AOS. Technically you could change that intent the very next day.

    So.. I think this is how it will work. USCIS might request evidence/letters from you/your "after-GC" employer and if they will find something like your resume that you have sent them before getting GC, then you are in trouble. But if you will demonstrate, that let's say you met your "after-GC" employer only after getting GC (let's say at some exhibition) and he offered you right away +50k salary, then I don't see how USCIS is gonna build their case.

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  • absaarkhan
    02-01 12:43 PM
    Good Question

    Did anyway in this Scenario had a hard time, entering US??


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  • cygent
    07-17 08:12 PM
    Of course, My bad! They were the next 2 on my list, I have already printed out the letter and am filling it in right now! I have already sent letters to them in a previous campaign.

    Thanks again for your due diligence!!

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  • yagw
    09-20 01:42 PM
    LOA...means I am still employed without benefits my old company.
    what you said makes sense..this is how I am looking at it

    -join new company
    -donot send in ac 21 paperwork
    -if i have rfe send in paperwork from present employer which will only be a generic letter----(i don't know how much detail uscis likes)
    -the reason i want to do LOA is that this way i will be sure they will not revoke i -140
    -what do the gurus feel ?

    BTW--gave u green --thanks for the reply

    If LOA can stop the old employer from revoking I-140, I would say, go for it. But just make sure you don't land into any other trouble (like non-competent etc. just an example, may not be relevant in your case, but you get the idea...).
    Also, discuss with the new employer and make sure they are ok with supporting you in case of an RFE. From your response, looks like they might know what it is. What I can think of is, consult an attorney and discuss what kinda RFEs you can get that needs employer help (mostly EVL, ability to pay), prepare a sample response letter for both and check with the new employer they are ok with providing them if necessary.

    DISCLAIMER: I am not an Attorney and this is not a legal advice


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  • unknown123
    05-13 11:58 PM
    This is just to let you all know that my I-140 has been approved.

    As a response to an RFE, following evidences were submitted:
    1) Transcripts for all the years (BSc and MCA)
    2) List of courses completed (Just a list without any course by course evaluations)
    3) Education Evaluation Report (Re-submitted)

    Thank you all for your support

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  • pappu
    03-10 03:54 PM

    Why would we have an exam after dropped out of school?

    I thought dropping out is like going back to home country


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  • Cheran
    02-23 04:45 PM
    my dear.. pretentious pseudo middle class desi...
    i know ppl like you...
    you wear an armani to office but still carrying curd rice and pickel for lunch...
    you rejoice the success of slumDOG..with your liberal friends...with a martini glass filled with hand..because ur amma told u not to drink alcohaal..;)

    according to u ...we are losers because we dont like being called a DOG in 21st century...

    if you want to wag ur skinny brown ass ..eveytime SlumDOG is uttered..thats ur problem..

    Can't you write a simple sentence without offending others? Furthermore nothing makes sense in your post. What's wrong with eating curd rice and pickle? If I eat beef with my Armani suit then you will think off me differently? At least that guy makes a stand and not drink, I wonder what you do? You hit the pub with your parents? Moron.

    Only in a Desi website you will find million different ways to butcher someone.

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  • vinodp1978
    06-28 01:11 PM
    does this mean that i cannot get a 3 yr extension based on approved I-140 pp? My labor is not pending for 365 days and so I am solely depending on I-140 approval for a 3 yr extension. I am filing i-140 and i-485 concurrently before July 5...will this give me an EAD option even if 140 takes longer to get approved?


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  • micofrost
    05-06 07:44 PM

    No point in showing frustration. Its not our birth right. We all were well educated before we came in here. Situation changes. And system makes an adjustment. Dont blame your country( I am also from India), for no one asked us to move out. There are so many nice positions available to work for. More than 80% of us found here a better oppurtunity, because there were no competition at all in getting jobs. 1st come 1st serve.

    So do not complain. They do not have any urgency to hand us over the GCs. We can only request them to do the needful on the basis of our sorry state of affairs. Again, we are still at their mecrcy.

    So stop complaining. Either wait and support IV or boot out.

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  • aditya
    11-10 01:56 PM
    game over for lame duck


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  • apnair2002
    04-13 12:30 PM
    Please signed up for recurring contribution....

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  • memyselfandus
    08-04 11:02 PM
    Sorry, if you didn't like my comment. I am of Indian origin, and recognized/enjoyed your poetry and thoughts well. We can surely talk to our peers in any language, but writing for general information exchange on a public forum in our language may lead to regional labelling of our forum, which we don't intend.

    First up all I am not that poetic; so I want to discredit the credits bestowed up on me by you. What labelling r u talking about? Why are you so afraid about things that have no bearing on anybody. Being Indian/ Chinese/ Philippine has nothing to do with it as long as the comments elicit positive energy among peers. I am not talking about blantaly jotting down everything in a non-english language; I am only talking about poetic stanza's people pen that removes some sadness or frustration about the whole immigration fiasco.

    As far as talking about peers, I consider IV folks to be my peers too. ;)


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  • msp1976
    03-03 08:29 PM
    Legal Immigrants in Limbo

    It is that time of the year again. Immigration reform is in the air. Recently, there were raids on many businesses and the resulting arrests were given wide publicity. The Bush administration is showing its zeal to pursue the 'illegal immigrants' and 'Undocumented workers' and enforce the immigration laws. The pro-immigration and anti-immigration organizations are ratcheting up their activities. One of the common refrains of the anti-immigration groups is 'If they want to come to this country, let them come legally'. So let us examine what the people trying to immigrate legally face.

    A significant number of the high skilled immigrants who immigrate to the United States are categorized by the existing immigration law as 'Employment Based' immigrants. We would refer to this as the EB immigration in this article. The EB immigrants constituted almost 22% of the total immigrants to United States in year 2005. The EB immigration process consists of four steps. There might be minor variations but the time periods for the processing described in this article remain very close to reality.
    1. Labor Certification - The US Department of Labor (DOL) administers this program. This process takes anywhere from 3 to 5 years. There are people in this queue who had applied for certification in 2001. Now imagine waiting that long for the first step. However, to its credit, the DOL has implemented a new program which has significantly reduced the time required for this process to less than 6 months. However, this program is beneficial to only those applicants who filed after December 2005.
    2. Immigrant Visa application - After obtaining the Labor Certification, the employer petitions the USCIS for approving the certified immigrant for permanent residency. This process can take anywhere between 1 to 10 months.
    3. Adjustment of Status - If a immigrant visa is available, (and there are only 140,000 that are available each year, with a cap of 7% of these per country) the USCIS then allows the immigrant to file for adjustment of status and if approved, formally grants permanent resident status more commonly referred to as the Green Card. It is during this stage that the immigrant is subjected to background checks by the FBI and medical checks by USCIS approved physicians. Currently, the FBI background checks are taking anywhere from 8 months to a whopping two years. Also, immigrants from countries like India and China which are the main source of high skilled immigrants find themselves unable to even file for the adjustment of status because of unavailability of visa numbers. Given the current scenario, it is unknown how long it will take for these immigrants to be able to file for adjustment of status, but it is very likely to exceed 4 to 5 years
    4. Citizenship – Five years after the Green Card is approved, the immigrant may apply for citizenship to the USCIS. At this stage, he has to undergo an additional background check, take a citizenship test before being eligible for approval.

    As can be seen from the description above, the whole process can take 5 to 10 years just to obtain the Green Card and an additional 5 years after that to obtain citizenship. There are people waiting to be sure of their status for even more than that. Given the uncertainty and lack of action from Congress to address the backlogs, some of the EB legal immigration applicants have come together and formed the organization The goals include reduced waiting time for green card applications for EB immigrations, increased numbers for employment based green cards and ability to get certain benefits if the visa numbers are unavailable.

    Let me make clear what this wait entails. When you are working on a work permit like H-1B, your employer sponsors you for a particular position in the future as a part of the EB immigration process. What that means in reality is that your employer cannot promote you even if you are capable and the employer is willing. In the convoluted logic of EB immigration, if you get a promotion you have to start from step 1 again. That means you are back at the end of the 5 to 10 year queue. Also, spouses of the applicants are not allowed to work even if they are qualified until the primary applicant can file for adjustment of status. Now keep trying to explain to your spouse to keep his/her career on hold for 10 years. The net result of these impediments is that a large number of these people prefer going back to their countries of origin or other countries that offer easier and faster ways to obtain permanent residency and citizenship. That is a big loss to this country.

    And this is just for high-skilled and skilled workers, so our question and challenge to the anti-immigration lobby is ‘Are you willing to put your money where your mouth is and pressure Congress to pass a Comprehensive Immigration Reform to ensure that people can immigrate to the United States legally in a reasonable amount of time?’

    United States is undergoing an unprecedented change in demographic situation. The Baby boomer generation consists of 77 million citizens born in the years 1946 to 1964. The leading edge of this generation is entering their 60s in 2006 and a large number of the baby boomers would start retiring soon. This is a double whammy to the US economy. Even now, the employers ranging from small businesses in the north-east to big corporations like Microsoft are facing serious labor shortages. When a large chunk of US labor force starts retiring every year, businesses are going to be even more hard pressed to find suitable workers. At the same time, the demands for social services from this large retiree population would keep growing. The US economy would find it harder and harder to support an ever larger population in need of Social services support. Unless something is done to deal with the coming labor crunch, United States is facing a huge economic and social services meltdown. The businesses would either fold in face of global competition or go where they can find labor that would allow them to be competitive leading to additional job cuts in the US. The immigration policy this country adopts would determine the future of this country. The only solution to deal with the labor crunch is to allow more employment based immigration.

    As mentioned earlier, the total number of Employment based immigrants allowed per year by current law is 140,000 and it also includes the dependents of these immigrants. This limit was established in the early 90s when population of United States was smaller and a lot younger. This number has to undergo a sharp upward revision to account for the coming demographic challenge this country is facing.

    The current immigration law has rules that prohibit immigration from any country in excess of 7% of the overall immigration. As far as employment based immigration is concerned, this limit is of 7% is illogical. Skills are not evenly distributed in the world and companies do not hire people based on the country they come from but for the skill set they possess to get the job done. As president Bush aptly described "It makes no sense to say to a young scientist from India, you can't come to America to help this company develop technologies that help us deal with our problems". This cap of 7% has caused the applicants from large countries like China and India to wait for years on end. As we all know, these countries are undergoing rapid growth. If the United States does not make an effort to retain this valuable human capital, those countries are going to benefit at United States’ cost.

    Every year, thousands of students from various countries come to the United States to pursue higher education. In a fairly large number of cases, the universities and various endowments provide financial aid to these students. It would make sense for United States to make an effort to retain this talent that has been educated in a large number of cases by the American taxpayers. It is a reality that the talent is sorely needed. Abolishing the country limits on the employment based immigration would make it easier to retain this talent and help ease the skilled labor crunch.

    The USCIS has serious issues in dealing with the magnitude of immigration benefits processing expected of the service. The Bush administration has made some not entirely successful attempts to improve the workings of the troubled federal agency. The United States does not become safer if an immigration benefits application sits entangled in a bureaucratic nightmare for years on end. The USCIS should be mandated to process all existing backlogs in a reasonable time frame and provided the resources and leadership to accomplish this goal.

    In the cacophony of anti-illegal immigration rhetoric, no one seems to be paying attention to the plight of the legal immigration applicants waiting for years for their applications to get processed. The United States is supposed to be the land of opportunity. The Congress should make an effort to ease the hardships of the people who have followed the law and are trying to immigrate legally so that these deserving immigrants also get a chance to pursue their American Dreams.

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  • rimzhim
    05-24 08:03 PM
    But look at the case before this bill i.e now
    With 140,000 we have more candidates in the backlog and many more joining through Perm process.
    If CIR is passed, many in the backlog will move to new merit system because their labor is still pending and no new GC application after May 21st 2007 also.
    So, you have lot less people picthcing against 10% of 90,000 visas vs the case now where there are lot more people for 7% of 140K.

    I still don't get why it is bad for everybody?
    It is definitely little better for those who can use older GC process/system with 10% of 90K visa numbers.

    Also, i bet there will be another amendment to add more to 90K for clearing the backlog much faster.
    i see your point now. thanks. i wonder how many ppl do not have 140 approved by now.


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  • jsb
    01-14 10:58 AM
    USCIS does not process cases in PD order, because they can't. Thousands of files they receive, are sequenced in order they receive them at Centers. They claim that cases are processed in order they receive them. For them "Receive Date" is not what you see on your receipt, it is the date they physically received the case (thus if case is moved from one center to another, meaningful Receive Date is the date it was recieved by the last center). You see this data online status as "...we received (or transferred) your case on ...".

    PD critieria is limited to certain countries only. Therefore, by and large, "cases are processed in order they are received..." works well. However, for India, China etc. where PD cutoff has to be factored, it is used merely to decide to work or skip a file (when seen in the receive date order). If PD cutoff date is very restricted, they will have to skip a lot of cases, which slows them down. That's the reason every July they ask for wider PD cutoff dates so that they can consume a lot of visas, as they don't have to skip that many cases.

    This process is a mockery of the PD cutoff dates, but that's how it works. If you sent your case on June 28, 07, with July 2, 07 as the printed Receive Data on your receipt, but the case where it finally rested, was entered in their database on Oct. 28, '07 (with a Notice Date soon thereafter), you case will not be looked at, no matter what the PD cutoff date is, unless all cases received before Oct. 28, '07 have been reviewed.

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  • sandeep_1
    08-15 01:58 PM
    My EAD-renewal is also delayed and had an Infopass appointment in local USCIS office today. During the meeting, I specifically asked, in the event if EAD renewal is not approved before the expiration of current one, can I still continue to work? The answer was - "You can continue to work as long as your employer agrees to it". hmmm. Then I asked, would it jeopardise my status or 485 process in any shape or form. The answer was - "No (it will not effect my status)". Although, he did mentioned that interim EAD is not allowed anymore. He even said that, they actually took the machine and equipments required to produce EAD card for local office.

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  • sapota
    08-21 11:52 PM
    For EB3 India Apr 04 PD, 3 more years seems about right.

    08-22 01:40 PM
    Think of it this way. Conservative estimations say that in the recent application rush, USCIS received 300K applications.

    That is 2 year's worth of applications alone, not including those already at USCIS.

    If you compound that with the asinine 7% country limit, and assume that there are MUCH more than 7% of that 300K from Indian nationality - I'd say you are looking at much longer than a 3 year wait on average. I'd guestimate 7 years.

    The only way this will change is to support the DC rally. We are getting major traction and positive news on this and it's potential affects. Please do everything you can to come.

    There are people offering to pay 100% of airfare, there are free buses being set up. There are very few valid reasons not to come!

    Be part of history!

    01-15 01:21 PM
    yeah.. So another reason to keep looking at the visa bulletins now. Once i get a GC I buy a house and get a gun. The american dream. ;-)

    Thats my kind of dream. Just one addition to my list of things to do upon receiving my GC.

    I will buy a house, get a gun and JOIN A LOCAL RELIGIOUS PLACE and choose my lord and savior. Hey, I want a passport to the heaven from here, I don't want to stand in green card line of heaven or go to hell.

    BTW, move over here to WA state and you can buy a gun.


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