Friday 17 June 2011

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  • vbkris77
    07-02 11:12 AM
    I have followed it up with AILF and 3 more attorneys just in case to see if a law suit is feasible. All of them said, it is not possible. Only option left is to write to Dept. of Justice to see if this law holds a constitutional test. I wrote once, but never got any reply on that.

    But if we could take this as a group and mobilise on a mass scale to reach out to DOJ and have them review this INA law we might get attention.

    Couple of points to Nay sayers.. that this is not racial descrimination

    INA even though uses country of birth instead of color of skin It is still considered raical because, Under the same INA, if someone is born in a retro. country and their parents are not from that country, One could use parents country of birth.

    So if a family from UK on a business to India gave birth to a child, this child is not subjected to India limits. Which means this applies only to natives from India.

    I tried explaining this in my writing to DOJ. But one letter didn't do the job required.

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  • caydee
    05-22 08:12 PM
    $100.00 Paypal transaction ID #87H816341N4114833

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  • paragpujara
    10-23 09:37 PM
    It was very quick approval. anyways Congrats to you and your family. you are free bird now. :)

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  • chanduv23
    05-14 11:19 AM
    When in Rome do as the Romans do.. start eating burgers & you will develop the much needed 'thick' skin.. that should keep you immuned to all those bickerings..

    Like CNNs Sanjay Gupta once quoted "Immigrants come to America to pursue their American Dream but eventually pursue the American Bulge by eating American food"


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  • snathan
    04-21 02:50 PM
    Yes. a law will be good.

    On a serious note...before talking about a law, research a little about the immigraiton system and the difficulties.

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  • sac-r-ten
    11-14 09:08 PM
    Hello Guys,
    I need your advice here. Six month ago i joined one of the many blood suckers -Desi cosulting company in new jersey. As you all know, they ask me to sign their contract in which its mention that if i leave their company before 1 year then i need to pay them 15k. Thy also charge me 3k for my H1-B which i am still paying everymonth from my paycheck and we have 70/30. In just six months i am so much fed up with them. These people are so rude...always show their arrogance over phone. I have no libarity to find job by myself. They always looking for higher pay rate sp that their big money tummy get filled up.and i also feel that they didnt told me the right pay rate for the project i am working on right now.

    I really want to leave them, Even before 12 months. Is there any importance of that contract letter i signed with them?. Can they Sue me? What are my options? Please suggest me.....i am in stress.


    Leave them. they can't do anything. just make sure you get your last months salary into your account. point to note that once you see you salary into your account its take around 2-3 more days to make the final transaction into your account.
    GTSS,Inc bugger did this some us when we left it. these a%*&^ss holes live on our salaries and shameless dont pay us when we leave them.


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  • jkays94
    04-03 10:48 AM
    These are the talking points that AILA is suggesting for calls made to the Senators, as one can see AILA's focus is broad and I'm not sure how else they could have been of help when they are doing essentially what IV is doing ie calling, faxing or lobbying with a broad based approach. They possibly could put IV's news releases or messages as part of what has been sent to the Senate. I urge everyone visit this link ( and see what pro-immigrant groups are doing or saying which is not significantly different from what IV is doing :

    Call your Senators (

    (please call between 9am & 5pm)
    Ask For: Immigration Staffer

    Talking Points:

    1) Tell your Senator to support the Judiciary Committee's comprehensive immigration reform bill!

    2) Tell them that we need a workable solution and path to eventual permanent status for the 12 million undocumented!

    3) Tell them that we need a new temporary worker program that offers labor protections and a path to permanent status!

    4) Tell them that the family and employment backlog provisions in the Chairman's Mark are good and should remain in the bill!

    5) Tell them that full access to the Circuit Courts of Appeal must be preserved!

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  • red200
    02-05 11:52 PM
    Sorry to hear about it.
    Was there a RFE about any thing ?


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  • gc_nebraska
    01-13 05:04 PM
    Guys ! I know couple months ago a lot of us got RFE's and the status says " response received and cased resumed" but nothing after that , do you'll think that they might look into our files even with different PD dates.

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  • mhathi
    10-05 02:58 PM
    sent email to the editors.


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  • nlssubbu
    08-23 05:43 PM
    I didn't think my answers were making fun or teasing anyone - sorry if you felt that way, I didn't mean them to be interpreted like that.

    The main problem is that no one really knows for sure whether these steps are taken in sequence. There is little to no transparency. There are procedures, but we can not guarantee that they are followed.

    To answer your second part. No, I don't believe there are any standard updates that indicate this, but I could be wrong. I think that there is an update if you clear it, but not if you are stuck in it. Make sense? Pappu has an excellent post that details the name check process

    To answer nlssubbu with the query about the "pre-approval" - I don't think it is a 1 time thing. Its a fairly standard USCIS practice. I have a link somewhere to the IO AOS processing manual. If I can find it I'll post it here.

    Do I think they have enough resources to process them all? Absolutely not, but I doubt there will be a rush considering PDs won't be current for a while (esp eb3)

    For the past so many years of observing various forums and information, I did not come across the situation of pre-approval process except this time. I am sure that they will be doing various background checks to make the application ready for approval. It is not mentioned any where that how the pre-approval process is different from background checks? Are they the same or different? What processes are done during approval? I do not have any idea and hence I would like to keep the various checks and approval process separate.

    If you say 'pre-approval' is to complete all the checks required the case of approval, then why they issue a notification regarding a 'pre-approval' in visa bulletine?

    I hope someone will provide some information regarding these clarifications.


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  • ragz4u
    03-27 10:34 AM
    can we get live or recorded audio or video? C-spna should be doing it? Can anyone comment ? Thanks. We will provide a link (and of course ask to join IV and ask them to make contributions).

    Will update with more info when available


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  • aadimanav
    08-20 08:37 AM

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  • anai
    03-28 10:24 AM

    Resolving the BEC problem is definitely one of IV's main goals. There is no way I will believe in DOL's claim of clearing all the back logs by Oct 2007.

    IV has had a number of discussions with lawmakers and administrative officials, first to understand the issue and next to solve it. There are two ways to solve it. From our discussions, it has become clear that the lawmakers still view this as a temporary problem and are not willing to legislate on that behalf. Never the less all of them did agree that the efficiency of the BECs left a lot to be desired. So we were working a bi-partisan coalition of lawmakers who were willing to put pressure on DOL and USCIS on the need for efficiency and transparency.

    All of this was before the crazy pace with which the Comprehensive Immigration Bill began to move. We do have to realize that this bill is a golden chance to have our provisions in place and we have less than 2 weeks to works on it. Frist wants either of the Immigration Bills to be passed before Apr 7th. If we do miss out on our goals in this bill and this bill gets passed, we will not be able to revisit our issues for a long time. So right now a lot of the attention is being given to it. This does not mean that BEC is forgotten. Hope you do understand.

    I appreciate all that the more active members at IV are doing for BEC resolution. A sincere thank you.

    My posts were aimed at addressing the naive belief among a few members that the BEC mess is a non-issue. The IV community, I am sure, realizes that the BEC mess needs resolution. I do not think that IV has forgotten BEC issues; it wouldn't be one of our goals had we forgotten about it.

    Of course, different issues are to be highlighted at different times, depending on tactical necessities. So it is only appropriate that the current focus is on the bills. Those who are intimately and acitvely involved must of course set the priorities as they see fit.


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  • franklin
    08-22 07:06 PM
    First your PD has to be current for USCIS to look into your RD.

    Not quite, as I understand it, if your PD is not current, your AOS will continue processing and will eventually get to a "approved, pending visa number" state. You can pretty much be in this state for some time, and then when PD does become current (as happened from May through July this year with the significant shift in PDs in the bulletins) there will be a massive approval rate of all those pending applications.

    USCIS doesn't stop the application process just because your PD is no longer current

    This is how USCIS got through 60k unused visas in a staggeringly short time. There were a LOT of applications that were ready to go, they were just waiting for those numbers. USCIS didn't all of a suddenly quadruple their efficiency in processing :)

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  • poorslumdog
    03-17 10:43 PM
    I am glad that some EB2 guys can empathise with us....EB3(I) is completely hopeless....but I doubt if IV will take this up...even a small admin fix like applying the spillover to EB3 this year...that will take away some stress on the EB3(I) pipeline....

    No matter whether you are in EB2 or EB3, if you lose job then you are going back to stone age. So we are all in the same boat. The only hope is to fix the leak.


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  • svgupta
    05-18 04:09 PM
    I "think" that we have had a good number of "new members" signing up for IV in the wake of recent events. And am sure that quite a number of the new members would have started contributing to their own "noble" cause.

    Can we have an update from IV core about the "encouraging" number of "new" monthly contributions. Also, this may help make aware others who have joined, who are supposedly unaware of any such contribution.

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  • hanu_78
    10-01 07:40 AM

    My wife is doing residency using her EAD and she wanted to start a medical staffing company. Would there be any problem from the 'hospitals' since she is working as full time employee or is it depending on the individual hospital contract?

    Please help me out if anybody has an idea.


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  • floridasun
    12-30 07:38 PM
    I always loved this board for what it does - especially the Gurus who always spend their precious time giving input to member's queries. Well... this is not query. I just want to vent my frustration, helplessness to fellow friends in this board. In spite of graduating from a reputed univ with a Masters and very good GPA and also having 7 years of professional experience, I am bound to be a slave to my current Employer without any promotions, career growth or anything remote to that for next (God knows how many Decades) several years. ppl who are junior to me in every aspect are growing left and right and are also getting brighter opportunities. I dont care if you guys think I am jealous of them.... But does God really exist ? sorry for wasting your time with this depressing note. I guess there is a limit to how unlucky I can be !! call me a cry baby but I am one real unlucky individual !

    06-15 07:57 PM
    Bottomline is they do not want to give us Greencard just use us and fool us. I am sure this 485 being current is big melodramatic thing.

    And it is only 1 year of filing I-485 ( can i take comfort that many others have been stuck 2 year, 3 year etc ). ANother reason why visa numbers got wasted is that many fellas got stuck in namecheck ( Ask many of the Indian/Chinese/Russian folks ).

    I don't what crappy way they use to separate good from bad.

    07-10 11:57 PM
    These USINPAC folks are shameless creatures who will take credit for the sun shining tomorrow morning. Lets send this guy Sanjay Puri, Robinder Sachdev and his fraudsters team a dictionary so that he knows how to spell IMMIGRATION correctly even if he has some malicious thoughts and actions in his mind. All they are good at is to do photo oppotunities and do these frauds where they claim to have worked or be working on an issue. I can also do the fund raisers and get photos taken. But there is where it stops with USINPAC. The politicians walk away with the money and turn their back on them and these guys start looking for the next politician to do a fund raiser for and get photo opportunity. How much more foolish can this get??

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