Tuesday 21 June 2011

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  • wandmaker
    12-16 11:27 AM
    See really ..my ignorence on this option ( of making smaller contribution using paypal- donations@immigrationvoice.org )... is probably why some of the guys I have spoken to at work have also not contributed yet..though they all visit and adhore the IV effort..

    Now you know how to contribute smaller amounts to IV - contribute the smaller denomination regularly or whenever possible and spread the word. So both IV and you can benefit from this. Thank you.

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  • a1b2c3
    10-08 03:02 PM

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  • wellwishergc
    04-03 11:39 AM
    Admin and bheemi,

    I agree with admin. Lets put our energy towards something positive. Personally, I have not done much towards helping IV. I will try my level best to help in whatever way I can.

    I responded to bheemi's first posting and read his other postings after that, later on. Apologies bheemi!!!



    These are highly stressful times and I am sure people did not mean to create trouble when they wrote such message but rather they were merely venting their frustrations.

    We just need to make sure that we're able to convert this energy into some that is positive and useful. Again no offense meant to anyone and no offense taken.

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  • americandesi
    08-27 01:41 PM
    The reason why most people end up with such situations is that the employers don’t file for H1 extensions on time. Though the law allows filing of H1 extensions upto 6 months before its expiry, most employers file for extensions only at the last moment. It’s advisable to go for premium processing in such cases, so as to get the approvals on time.


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  • When Jennifer Lopez needs to

  • bobzibub
    05-21 03:29 PM
    Interesting ritual one has to follow :)

    1. Copy the link on your clip-board (highlight and Ctrl+C). E.g., the following is the link for TSC


    2. Close *all* your browser windows. Perhaps you might want to open the task manager and kill the "process tree". But simply closing *all* the browser windows was sufficient in my system.

    3. Open your browser. Paste the link (Ctrl+v) on the browser and voila!

    They could be using some distributed web caching like akamai.


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  • mrsahaayam
    03-15 10:19 PM
    Thank you belmontboy, I will talk to attorney at the earliest and see how it goes.. will update the forum.


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  • Jennifer Lopez unveiled a

  • vivekm1309
    03-17 05:34 PM
    Bernanke's predecessor Alan Greenspan has written a book (check it on Amazon) where he makes a case for increased high-skilled immigration. He makes a forceful case that its good for the greater economy (and not just limited to housing sector). And yet, we don't see any action on the Capitol (do we?!).

    If Bernanke gives a media statement about the benefits of increased high-skilled immigration to media, it will create a few articles, a few heated discussions. It will peter out after that ( like Bill Gates testimonies to US Congress). Ultimately its the guys sitting in the Capitol and WH who control what becomes the law. And they aren't going to decide on immigration based on what Bernanke states in a brainstorming session.

    Here's the complex process - Someone has to write a bill, work on getting sponsors and co-sponsors, network with other Congressmen to support the bill. Get it through the bureacracy of the Sub-committee on Immigration in the Senate, get a filibuster proof majority of 60 senators to get it passed. Same has to be done in the House. Get it out of House immigration sub-committee. Get a majority vote in the House. In doing all this they shouldn't create a reason for Pres. Bush to veto it. In case he does veto it (for any reason) it will go back to Congress and 2/3rd majority to override the veto.

    If it was so easy to get a bill passed [by getting Mr. Bernanke to support it] lobbying business would've been long dead. Companies wouldn't be spending millions of dollars every year to safeguard their interests.

    Point is - getting Bernanke/media support may create a traction for our issue and get it some coverage. I'm not saying the effort is completely useless. It has it's place. But it will not fix the issue by itself. We still need to meet the lawmakers and convince them, we still need to send those letters, make those phone calls, send those faxes and so on. Getting Bernanke/media support will never be an alternative to IV efforts. They will, at best, complement it.

    Patton Boggs is a lobbyist hired by IV, Can he help in this situation ? It may be the case he already may be working to get something thru ..

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  • hair color, jennifer lopez

  • alterego
    10-05 01:17 PM
    Look at this part of Wall Street Journal :

    Look at this. Even when the conversation if totally on "high-killed workers", there is always and has to be always, a line or a sentence about illegal immigrants. Somehow, you cannot discuss anything about anything unless you have one line about illegal immigrants. The only sensible reason to discuss illegal immigration in same topic as "attract and retain" the "high-skilled workers" is that if there are people who are high-skilled, need to be "attracted and retained" and also happen to be "illegal".

    So folks, look around yourself, do you find anyone who is "high skilled", "illegal" and also need better laws to be "attraced and retained". NASA folks and folks from silicon valley, please check the cubicle next to you to find an illegal rocket scientist or an undocumented microchip designer. Those damned illegal rocket scientists and doctors.

    Hey WSJ...listen up !!! Are you being facetious, or are you really not as competant as people think you are ?

    To add to this point. This is AFTER the implosion of CIR on the Senate floor. CIR was supposed to be the reason issues around legal highly skilled immigration were deferred.
    So, after deferral, implosion of CIR, we yet get a line clumping these two. It is almost like a nicotine addict trying to break the habit. Media can be so close minded.

    All I can say is what IV has done to try to separate these two issues, is nothing short of herculean. Now atleast we are seeing some semblance of a separation. I think the Rally in DC was a highly significant moment in this regard. I am also pleasantly surprised to see as much attention given to the immigrant visa issue (ie green cards) as was to the rest of it. Previously highly skilled immigration was thought to be tantamount to H1b visas. The issue of permanent green cards was a footnote.


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  • stillhopefull
    08-27 04:42 PM
    not sure if it is too late, but I just sent to Sen. Warner and Sen. Webb of Virginia.


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  • GoneSouth
    02-07 01:11 PM
    If you have some friends who you know have successfully executed an EB-2 I-140 based on a job zone 4 occupational classification (such as software engineer), I'd consult with your friends attorneys, then switch attorneys if they think they can help you.

    xbohdpukc - very interesting. Did you get an EB-2 I-140 approval based on that software engineer occupational classification? The issue at hand is not whether the LC will get approved, that is relatively straightforward. It's whether an EB-2 I-140 will be approved based on a LC for a job zone 4 occupation.

    - gs


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  • lahiribaba
    07-02 02:48 AM
    last time i posted this idea everyone ridiculed.

    Well we desis can only follow the lead of firingis.. so firingis say that who the f*** asked you to come here in the first place and we understand their logic and tell ourselves who the f*** asked us to be here in the first place .. so we are to blame ourselves for everything and take the crap anyway..

    But that is not the point.

    The point is that me and my company and you and your organisation have paid a service fee with a reasonable expectation of service. reasonable expectation of service is subject to interpretetion based on common sense and no f**king common sense says that waiting 10 years for GC is reasonable .. unless your common sense has been replaced by self disrepecting logic ....

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  • mannan74
    08-15 06:43 PM
    Applied for EAD extension on July 08-2008 (expiring on Sep 30-08), less than 90 days. Got a 2 year extension in Mail Aug-14-2008 (Approval date Aug 07-2008).



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  • himu73
    07-06 11:45 AM
    I believe any efforts to make USICIS accept all applications can be couter productive. You can have some people getting stuck for sure for many years before they get their green cards. also since new fees kick in on July 30th, you will have to pay for the EAD,AP.
    The law-suit can benefit only a few of us, so why is IV behind this.
    Can the core members comment on this.
    I tihnk all these efforts do not define a common cause right now.
    How do you define "All effected"?

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  • teachamerica07
    08-25 09:30 PM
    Go to the Trenton DMV . Take your ORIGINAL receipt and a letter from your employer . They will give you extension for 240 days . I got it done in May 2007.The draft of the employer's letter is as follows

    The Motor Vehicle Commission

    I hereby certify that ________________ is currently employed by ____________ and has been employed since ______________.

    I certify that, on ______________, I filed an H1B petition extension and application for extension of stay on behalf of this individual (see attached receipt notice from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)).

    Pursuant to 8 CFR 274a.12(b)(20), this individual is authorized to continue employment with ____________ for a period not to exceed 240 days beginning on the date of the expiration of the authorized period of stay (as indicated on the immigration documentation).

    I further certify that if I receive that the USCIS had denied the application prior to the 240 day period and if <name, Driver license number>, ceases to be employed by ________________ during the 240 day period, I will notify the Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC), in writing as soon as practicable. I will send such notice to:

    Legal & Regulatory Affairs Unit
    Motor Vehicle Commission
    PO Box 162
    Trenton, NJ 08666-0162


    Signature of
    individual certifying
    the information

    Print Name & Title


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  • rarundas
    05-25 10:31 AM
    Illegals beyond Jan 2007 will be deported anyways. So becoming illegal is not an option anymore.
    how do you track the date of illegal arrival to the US when there is no documentation?

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  • n2b
    07-21 10:16 PM
    EB2 July 2nd 9:00 AM delivered


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  • Tito_ortiz
    01-15 12:09 AM
    Yoda says:

    Bill hard to be approved that it is.

    Unemployment rising for Americans rapidly it is. Tough to let more immigrants like us get jobs from Americans. Obama try he will.

    Be the Force be with you. IV contribute more should you.

    Done !

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  • urdost
    09-04 10:41 AM
    My checks got cashed on friday (NSC). more info in my signature...

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  • JunRN
    09-22 07:05 PM
    We cannot count on Reid. He failed us many times by manipulating everything and talking with Republicans and agreeing with them to sacrifice our bills/amendments to put forward their own agenda.

    07-20 11:23 AM
    FEDEX July 2nd 10:23AM

    05-28 01:17 PM

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