Tuesday 21 June 2011

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  • smisachu
    08-30 09:51 PM
    our immigration department told me that as per USCIS regulation they can not apply earlier than 6 month of expiry date


    No, I am positive. My H1 was expiring 9/21/2007. I applied on 01/05/2007. Received 3 year approval in April 2007.

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  • kumarc123
    06-12 01:54 PM
    kumarc123 I merged your thread + created a redirect with this one because of duplicate post and same discussion on your post in 2 places.

    Will respond to your other post soon. Pls look at us as people like you rather than venting against us for everything.


    I apologize if I said something wrong,but I strong believe I didn't. We need the OLD IV to do something big and practical, that's the only way, you will attract new members. I respect, all you have done, but I guess its time for you and other core members to plan something real and in open. We don't want to be informed about close door talks, we want action.

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  • wizpal
    12-13 11:03 PM
    This was discussed earlier. Jaime proposed it and lot were interested in doing in it..may be this is the right time for us revisit it.

    It works this way.. Each of us need to send their local senators a stopper and a personalized memo saying 'tax paying legal immigrant since year <ur year of entry>..no green card because of country cap limit and visa number wastage each year by USCIS..We would want congress to pass a legislature to recapture the unused visa numbers. We are NOT asking for H1 increase.. The reverse migration is already in progress and might become severe without any congressional inaction.'

    This could work because we have atleast 2000 active members and there are around 100 senators. If each of members could send a stopper(cost around 10 dollars each) to two senators, each of the senators would receive forty to fifty stoppers. It will atleast gain us the much needed Media publicity.

    The problem with us is most of the members don't want to show up in public. I hate it but to make thousands to walk on streets it takes a lot of money and effort and at the end not many people would show up.

    I know I am ignoring the house representatives completely..but we make enough noise with senators it might just serve the purpose. Moreover, I think te house is not that against legal immigration.

    Any thoughts..

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  • wellwishergc
    04-03 11:53 AM
    I agree with each and every word of your posting!!!

    IV is doing a fabulous work. Hats off to the core team!!!;

    I was active during efforts towards getting the immigration provisions into the S1932 bill and I can say that the efforts today are much more organized than those for S1932; I can imagine the scrambling and the mess that we would have been today, if not for IV.

    Good luck, IV!!! Even if we do not succeed this time, we will have enough mileage to push our provisions within a separate bill in the near future. Keep up the good work.

    I logged in this morning to get a regular update and came across this thread.
    I am surprised to this discussion and the heated debate. Tides and Ebbs are a part of what we do. I think we must all be satisfied that we have IV to represent us. Think about it guys, we would have no voice if it were not for IV. I sincerely hope something comes out of all this efforts that all of us have put in. We have a good thing going here and lets not stop.

    Even if nothing happens, I will be content that we have made efforts. Not just a tiny efforts but a big ones. Kudos to everyone who is contributing ideas and money. Keep the good work going and let us know what we have to do to help you all.


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  • bskrishna
    05-21 01:02 PM
    TSC I-765 for pending I-485 adjustment application is 'Feb 15th 2008'...last month it had 'Jan 29th 2008'...only moved 16 days...it is really weird...how much time they take to process may applications...mine will be expired on Aug 16th 2008...i am scared now..i am working on EAD.

    cant you get an interim EAD after 90 days...

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  • jgh_res
    04-15 06:55 PM
    Sorry to hear abt your situation. But buy some insurance either thru COBRA or just generally. Dont go to emergency room without insurance. Not a wise idea.

    The last thing you want to worry abt is medical insurance.

    I know couple of states like atlanta & texas with out having insurance also they will admitted the pregnent people.

    In atlanta



    Ask them if they have any chain system or else you can go for atlanta (That is the worst situation.) I know they charge only very less amount..... Please let me know if you need any thing else.


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  • cse_us
    08-13 06:55 PM
    Efiled @ NSC on may 19th.
    FP on july 3rd, still no approval.
    My current EAD expires Aug 30th.

    1) Requested expedited processing via phone.
    Received email saying to wait for next 30 days.

    2) Called NSC, agent gave a fax number and asked me to provide Emp letter.
    Faxed the Emp letter and also a covering letter.

    3) 2 weeks passed, still no reply, called up NSC again, explained situation that I wld lose my job if i dont get EAD extension by this month end. She opened a Expedited request and told me to wait for 10 days.

    4) As a back up, I also took infopass appoint for next monday (90 days will be over by then)

    Believe me, its not easy going thru these phases.
    I do not know how to reach my congressman/senator, Anyone here, pls let me know. I am from fremont, CA.


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  • gsc999
    09-22 06:40 PM
    I have added a poll to this thread.


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  • i_want_gc
    12-13 10:21 PM
    Sorry - Not everybody is(or wants to be like) Narayan Moorthy.
    I bet Narayan Moorthy doesnt have time(if not willingness) to clean his toilet NOW. Maybe we wud have when he was younger(before Infosys) which is a different stroy altogether.

    I always cleaned my room, in India and here. What's wrong with that? Infosys founder Narayan Murthy cleans his own toilet (as per his own admission to a newspaper). Does it make him an 'inferior' person to you? Don't you vacuum your room every weekend? Does that make you any lesser person? Ever heard of dignity of labor?

    You wrote - "Humans, listen, life is not 1000 years, it is very short, dont waste the best part of your life waiting for gc". So what are you doing ? Not waiting for GC? Then why are you hanging around? There are good opportunities back home . Those sitting in deep-sh*t shouldn't be throwing muck at others stuck in the same sh*t.

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  • rameshb49
    10-13 04:26 PM
    seems like people lost their interest in bulletin.. By the way I smell something becasue why its not released on Monday ?

    Beacause..monday is federal holiday(columbus day)!!!


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  • makemygc
    07-06 10:20 AM
    Hey guys,
    I have a question to all of you...

    AILA prepares the lawsuit and some (probably most) of the lawyers are supporting that.

    For several days I keep hearing that WHEN you file (in July) is not important and I am wondering how that could be true...
    I understand that the people who filed on July 2nd are beneficiaries of this but in my mind, everybody who files after falls under a different category because technically they would file after the revised bulletin was announced therefore have no argument. I understand that everybody else prepared (legal fees, medical exam and so on) and they are affected even if they didn't file but I am wondering how that can be justification enough after the dates (retrogression) were announced.

    I am trying to understand why they say that it does not matter when you file. They need more people to back this up or is just so they can justify billing you for their work...

    Is just scary, how many people play with our hopes and I need to understand if this is just to serve somebody's interests or it is what it is .

    Please post your 2 cents ...
    Thanks !

    AILA has expanded the definition of the plaintiff to cover all the july filings but it does not mean that you will be beneficiary if you have just filed in July. You either have to be a plaintiff or member of the class action (if judge allows). That also does not guarantee that you will get the benefit if lawsuit is won. As per AILF, only limited number of visa will be made available upon winning the lawsuit and that will cover only people who filed early in July. All depends upon number of visa made available, number of applications filed and out of those how many are part of class action lawsuit.

    See this excerpts from immigration-law:-
    The AILF is currently developing a lawsuit against the USCIS and the DOS. As reported earlier, apparently the AILF has been successful in finding the potential plaintiffs for the lawsuit. The plaintiffs will automatically become members of the class in the class action who will get the relief if they win in the lawsuit. The details of the relief this lawsuit is pursuing are articulated in the AILF's Visa Bulletin Lawsuit FAQ. For the summary, please click here.
    The lawsuit team lawyers are still developing the strategies and details of the members of the class this lawsuit will cover who are not members of the plaintiffs. As they move along, the details can be changed, but according to the FAQ, membership of the class would require filing of EB I-485 applications in July 2007. Accordingly, those who fail to file EB I-485 applications are likely not included in the membership and will not be able to receive the fruits of the litigation, once the class wins in the litigation. Relevant to the issue of when the EB I-485 should be filed to receive the benefit as a class member is the number of July visa numbers which will be made available to the members of the winning class of the lawsuit. Obviously, the visa numbers will be limited in numbers. The members of the class will have to compete each other for the numbers. According to the FAQ, the number will be taken under the principle First In First Out bases. Accordingly, the earlier his/her EB I-485 is filed, the better the chance of getting the number before they are exhausted. It appears that those who fail to get the numbers are likely to be left out of any benefits of the litigation.
    It thus appears that some people may want to file the EB I-485 applications with the full knowledge that the applications will be rejected and returned by the USCIS, just to become a member of the class of this lawsuit. Consdering the fact that some visa numbers may become available in October 2007 for certain people, they may be less desperate and eager in seeking membership of the class of the lawsuite. While, the nationals of ovesubscribed countries such as India, China, Mexico, and Philippines will need the fruits of this litigation much more desperately than the people from other countries. Additionally, EB-3 people may have such need more than EB-1 or EB-2 since when new visa numbers become available in October, the EB-3 numbers are likely more oversubscribed than EB-1 and EB-2. Lastly, the lower the priority date is, the more they will need the fruit of the litigation as the higher priority date applicants will have a better chance to get their priority date becoming current in October or soon thereafter. These variants should give a guide to the people to determine whether or not they should file EB I-485 applications to become a member of the class.
    However, these factors alone should not be considered absolute determinants in deciding whether they should file the EB I-485 applications in July. The FAQ indicates that the downside of becoming a member of the class by filing EB I-485 applications in July is potential extensive and in-depth scrutiny of the cases by the USCIS to weed out the applicants on the ground of ineligibility of I-485 applications. Accordingly, people with some potential issues of whatever nature may be considered poor candidates for the membership of the class. The straight forward case should be considerred a better candidate for filing EB I-485 applications in July, while those with some potential wrinkes in the case may stay away from filing the application in July.
    For the foregoing reasons, people should seek assessment of one's case by legal counsel for appropriateness of filing EB I-485 now and becoming a potential member of the class of the lawsuit. It is absolutely no and no to jump into filing the applications without the appropriate legal counsel.

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  • amitjoey
    07-10 01:02 PM
    12:09 Pm



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  • BharatPremi
    05-29 09:01 PM
    why ? ask your kids to do same and see what you feel on that night. can your kids do same ? forget about torturing or anything for a moment. Didn't you see Nupur Lala a past winner where she is now ? if she was torture for that competition she would n't be in MIT. its a competition of brain power to me.

    The notion that going to MIT would translate to the "brain power"... it is hard to agree upon. What is your definition of "Brain Power" ?...

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  • ilikekilo
    04-14 09:34 PM
    Thanks you all for the responses and help. We are searching for employers who can help me out in the situation. Most of them are thinking twice bcoz I am pregnant and have to take maternity leave within a 2- 3 weeks.

    Which will be the good option for me in this situation H1 transfer or EAD? I have EAD in hand, but never used. I like to maintain the status of H1-B as long as time permits. My husband is going to get health information next week once he joined in the job.

    YOu stated " 3. Even though my husband will get insurance with the new company, We are not sure that company will cover the pre-existing pregnancy that is in final stages".............

    THAT IS NOT TRUE. here is the fact

    1) Under HIPAA ACT , pregnancy CANNOT be considered as a pre existing condition by GROUP HEALTH coverage . This means you can also get health insurance by applying while u r pregnant.

    2) you have 30 days to enroll the baby after birth

    refer to these:

    Although, in my opinion the important thing you may want to know is "what is the waiting period for your husbands group coverage at his new job, is it 30/60/90 days?

    bottomline: if there is a waiting period for him(which means for you too inorder to enroll in his insurance) then you still have nothing to worry, you have COBRA.

    Either way you are SAFE and should be covered

    Like the other OP mentioned, Obamas adminstration passed a law where in you can tax deduct the cobra expenses too.

    So I dont see any problem whatsoever. So be cool, good luck to you and your family.

    I know some OP's are suggesting legal options, with all good intentions ofcourse, but personally, I would not think about it, atleast for now as you may agree that EOD mom and baby's health are paramount.



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  • sunny1000
    02-01 04:48 PM
    Sent a Money Order for $50 yesterday. Thx to everyone for their efforts.:D

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  • Legal
    07-11 11:12 AM
    We need more friends, not less.

    USINPAC has been NOT helpful so far. It doesn't mean we should protest to them angrily and antagonize them. We can continue to seek their assistance (if they would offer any)


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  • go_guy123
    06-30 12:43 PM
    I think once an I-485 is filed every one should be equally treated based on their category. If country qouta is based on countries interest, there should not be more applications accepted than within the sitpulated visas. That is not the case here. We have thousands of applications stuck at USCIS. Since GC processing puts certain restrictions on ones ability to shape ones career, it is not fair to ask one applicant wait for more time than other applicant purely based on country quota. We should keep in mind that gc processing effects indaviduals not their countries. So, it is discriminating to make one applicant wait while issing visa's to other person with same qualifications (except that he is from another country).

    Yes true but why would ROW people be interested in it. They have everything to loose in this change of rules. The change of rules would lead to equal distribution of misery.

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  • Humhongekamyab
    01-15 03:07 PM
    I went through the Federal Firearm Law and here is what I found:

    (d) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or otherwise dispose of any firearm or ammunition to any person knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that such person�

    (5) who, being an alien�
    (A) is illegally or unlawfully in the United States; or
    (B) except as provided in subsection (y)(2), has been admitted to the United States under a nonimmigrant visa (as that term is defined in section 101(a)(26) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 (a)(26)));


    (y) Provisions Relating to Aliens Admitted Under Nonimmigrant Visas.�
    (1) Definitions.� In this subsection�
    (A) the term �alien� has the same meaning as in section 101(a)(3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 (a)(3)); and
    (B) the term �nonimmigrant visa� has the same meaning as in section 101(a)(26) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 (a)(26)).

    (2) EXCEPTIONS: Subsections (d)(5)(B), (g)(5)(B), and(s)(3)(B)(v)(II) do not apply to any alien who has been lawfully admitted to the United States under a nonimmigrant visa, if that alien is:
    (A) admitted to the United States for lawful hunting or sporting purposes or is in possession of a hunting license or permit lawfully issued in the United States;
    (B) an official representative of a foreign government who is:
    (i) accredited to the United States Government or the Government's mission to an international organization having its headquarters in the United States;or
    (ii) en route to or from another country to which that alien is accredited;

    101(a)(3) The term "alien" means any person not a citizen or national of the United States.
    101(a)(26) The term "nonimmigrant visa" means a visa properly issued to an alien as an eligible nonimmigrant by a competent officer as provided in this Act.

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  • validIV
    04-08 10:27 AM
    I'm hoping they make all the Family Based current. Don't see why they only made the EB categories current in the July 07 Fiasco. Keeping my fingers crossed.

    02-23 08:08 AM
    Thank you to both of you for responding. I entered in to US 5 years ago and i am here since then.

    06-30 02:12 PM
    Even though Freedom_fighter's intentions are right, the intelligence is too low. Did he/she suddenly wake up and think 'WOW, I HAVE AN IDEA THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD. 600 million legal immigrants have not thought of this but I did?????".

    The judge will dismiss such a case at the start by saying "please produce the culprit who put a gun to your head and told you to come to this country".

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