Wednesday 22 June 2011

william shakespeare plays

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  • William Shakespeare#39;s

  • gsc999
    09-22 01:01 PM
    I respect your right to say this. You must respect my right to say "if you do nothing, nothing will happen"
    Franklin got her gc. She is still such a motivated member. IV is fortunate to have her. I didn't intend to defend her, she is more than capable to do that on her own. Just wanted to add this information because that makes a sea change in raising the level of conversation on this thread.

    The contrast is amazing, people who are stuck in the system are not as involved, while members like Franklin and Aman, who have came out of the "limbo" still want to help others.

    wallpaper William Shakespeare#39;s william shakespeare plays. Shakespeare plays Ophelia
  • Shakespeare plays Ophelia

  • sledge_hammer
    02-23 02:51 PM
    And who is complaining about all of this?

    It is gcisaDAWG :D

    Dhoni should be banned....

    How dare he can say "India will start as underdogs: Dhoni" :D

    Dannyboyle is calling Slum people "Slumdogs" and Dhoni is calling Indian cricket team as "Underdogs"..

    What is happening? :)


    william shakespeare plays. of William Shakespeare#39;s
  • of William Shakespeare#39;s

  • spicy_guy
    08-11 12:38 AM
    Come on EB2 guys, even if it were to be real, you should be happy about it. 2 months moved forward. Then imagine EB3 I. :confused:

    2011 Shakespeare plays Ophelia william shakespeare plays. by William Shakespeare
  • by William Shakespeare

  • Marphad
    03-18 04:25 PM
    I hope the admins keep this thread open and not kill it. I am not sure what the intentions of the OP ( some of you claimed that he wants to create a rift ), but this is definitely a valid concern for all the EB3(I) guys. This is a natural reaction to the frustrations of EB3(I) guys just like the mass upheaval during the July 2007 VB fiasco. Since it was across the board, there were no differences. Now since this involves only EB3(I), there is not much support from IV or others. But in my opinion, this is as much unfair as the Julay VB fiasco.
    Some of the EB2(I) guys are worried that their GC dreams would get delayed if there is any Admin fix for EB3(I). For all those individuals in EB2(I) who want to oppose any kind of admin fix for EB3(I), I just want you to think about it. Is it really fair? There are individuals in EB3(I) waiting since 2001 - a total of 8+ years. Don't get me wrong - but some of the EB2(I) guys who have applied as late as 2006 and 2007 are expecting/hoping to get their GC this year if there is a spillover. And I think these are the individuals ( not all of the EB2 guys though ) who are opposing any kind of admin fix ( please dont yell at me or curse me etc...if you are not one among those mentioned, then please dont worry..this is not about you::) Ofcourse i would like each one of us to get GC as soon as possible) to EB3(I).
    And I dont see why there will be a rift between EB2 and EB3 if each of us follows net etiquette in positng responses. Let's do some constuctive brainstoming - without getting into perosnal attacks or getting too emotional. Let's do what is right and not what each one of us thinks is right. Then I guess there wont be any rifts. The only thing I am asking is to get EB3(I) to advnace a little bit. I am not asking for it be on par with EB2(I). I hope some of you see a point in my frustration::))
    Do you really want EB2(I) to advance to 2005/2006 while EB3(I) guys are still languishing in 2001? That's totally unfair in my opinion. I know this world is not fair but how can anyone else try to divide us if we all stand united? And to stand united, EB2 guys should be willing to support any initiative to help EB3(I) move from stone ages::))
    ( I am getting ready with my body armour for all the brickbats various people are going to throw at me::))


    I am completely with you. We should start brainstorming thread with no negative posts.


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  • Shakespeare#39;s plays at the

  • atul555
    06-10 02:56 PM
    for self protection.. I can Jackie Chan anyone's ass if they mess with me.. :D
    Yet if unemployment reaches 20-25%, I will need a glock.. or if the NWO opens up the fema camps ;)

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  • william shakespeare

  • eb_retrogession
    03-03 09:19 AM
    I just PayPaled $300 yesterday. Please, keep all of us PBEC and DOL victims in mind as well. We need your help!!
    Thanks a ton anaintchev. PBEC and DOL issues are very much part of our efforts, we have several volunteers stuck at that stage.

    Once again, thanks a lot.


    william shakespeare plays. William Shakespeare#39;s plays
  • William Shakespeare#39;s plays

  • praharideep
    06-01 07:55 PM

    I want to bring my wife on H4.

    Its been 2 months since I am in US and I have been working since last month i.e. as of now I have only 1 paystub.

    Will this be enough for her H4 stamping in INDIA.


    2010 of William Shakespeare#39;s william shakespeare plays. William Shakespeare on The Art
  • William Shakespeare on The Art

  • Humhongekamyab
    01-15 02:53 PM
    I wonder whether proper first aid was given to the person.

    People do normally survive gunshots to leg!!

    "He was near his home when somebody perhaps demanded some money. He was fired at and bullets hit him in the leg. Due to this, his arteries bled profusely which led to kidney failure," Murthy said.


    william shakespeare plays. by William Shakespeare
  • by William Shakespeare

  • go_guy123
    06-29 03:39 PM
    Publicity stunt before the elections ?

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  • The Plays of William

  • Jaime
    09-22 03:29 AM
    Hi everyone.
    I was part of the San Jose rally .. where there were about 300 odd people.
    My neighbors had been to the immigration rally in Washington(flew from San Jose) and they said that there were about 1000 people there.

    I have been following the immigration issues for sometime .. and I'm not very convinced that such small numbers can make the difference.

    Silicon Valley has maybe a 100,000 Indian engineers or more. Add families .. and a much higher number. Add Chinese and European immigrants .. and you have all of Silicon valley :)

    We should hold a huge rally say in the campus of some company like Cisco .. or Google(who are immigrant friendly) on a work day .. say Friday lunch time .. and have everyone attend.

    Being in Cisco .. you can pretty much get all their employees to attend... which is substantial.
    Also have industry people talking in favor of better immigration policies.
    (we could hold it in some other company or a common area .. anything works)

    Unless we can have a substantial number of folks say 10,000 or more .. I don't honestly see too much of a point.
    Even if IV collects a few million dollars .. and lobbies .. it will never have the impact of 10000 people protesting.

    We need to see if we can have similar rallies ever month in major hubs like New York, Washington, Seattle, Houston.
    Unless we have s sustained campaign and we have the numbers .. I personally do not see things really changing.

    I see people being optimistic about 300 folks in San Jose rally and 1000 in Washington. But having been to the rally in San Jose I don't see how 3 times that number in Washington is going to cut it. (Read Logiclife's post ... but we still need the numbers !!)

    I'm not being a pessimist .. appreciate all the efforts that IV core undertakes .. but am totally unconvinced of major immigration changes. Looking at something like CIR being struck down .. after being on television for long and being debated .. I think we should get real.

    Thank you

    We really SHOULD get REAL NOW! Meaning that we PUSH HARDER NOW! Let's not let the iron cool!!!!


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  • of Shakespeare#39;s plays,

  • h1techSlave
    10-05 10:37 AM
    This is a very good development. And this time, they are not talking about a complete overhaul of the system. Just increase H1B visas and increase EB visa numbers.

    Hope this is a less bitter pill for the common American populace to swallow.

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  • of William Shakespeare#39;s

  • sparklinks
    07-21 10:13 PM
    Are we done Voting? If not please do it now

    Can you add 2 votes to it, my friends submitted on July 2nd.


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  • William Shakespeare#39;s play

  • texanguy
    01-14 02:08 PM
    can you define the letters please?

    Here are a few equations... :) :)
    VB = W + A + H + O <--- 2008 Dem vote bank
    VB1 = (W - ΔW1) + (A) + (H + ΔH1) + (O) <-- pro-illegal policies
    So Δ(vb1-vb) = ΔH1 - ΔW1 (it may give them some additional votes.)

    VB2 = (W - ΔW2) + (A) + (H - ΔH2) + (O) <-- pro-legal policies
    and Δ(vb2-vb) = - ΔH2 - ΔW2 (significant loss of white and Hispanic votes )

    Based on this - Dems can't afford to be seen as Pro-legal.

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  • in Shakespeare#39;s Plays

  • bskrishna
    05-21 12:57 PM
    I can also see only April dates...


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  • William Shakespeare#39;s play

  • Macaca
    08-14 12:19 PM
    Please post verifiable #s (from DOL) for backlogged labor certifications cases. Thanks!

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  • and William Shakespeare,

  • Ram_C
    11-08 01:17 PM
    Wish you all a happy and prosperous Diwali.



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  • William Shakespeare#39;s play

  • cygent
    05-15 08:22 PM
    Recurring contribution : $20 per month

    I Pledge to bump up contribution in coming months (after I-140 premium/H1B extension)

    Awesome job! Thanks again folks!

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  • Shakespeare#39;s play into a

  • gc_peshwa
    03-09 12:11 PM
    Fence sitters and casual thread browsers on IV
    There is no messiah for EB immigrants....we have to be our own 'messiah's...advocacy needs participation and money, no freedom is won without battles!!!

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  • william shakespeare plays

  • chanduv23
    07-08 02:31 PM
    One of my co-worker was in same boat. His desi employer revoked his I-140 when he took fulltime employement in 2005. He got his GC finally.

    I am in same situation. As of yesterday, my previous employer would have revoked my 140.

    I already sent the AC21 letter, there are no LUDs. My attorney says, chances that the letter may not go into the file are high and the reason we send AC21 paperwork is to keep a record that we sent. I took a screen shot of the DHL tracking info too.

    Any ideas how to ensure that AC21 paperwork is getting into your file.

    The answers I see on this forum is
    (1) USCIS is overwhelmed with documents so mail can be trashed
    (2) USCIS clerk does not know how to handle the paperwork
    (3) USCIS certifying officer is not well educated about AC21

    Any idea on how to ensure AC21 paperwork really goes into your file.

    03-02 11:12 AM
    here is one way we can bring attention to this issue without spending a dime and without travelling hundreds of miles to DC
    there is a blog on Reuters about housing ..just post your messages ..the more the merrier. here is my post.


    Oh really?

    So you think writing some annonymous comments on some website will be a good campaign to draw attention?

    So you will not contact any reporter for your idea. You will not want to travel to DC or meet any lawmaker with your idea. You will only write annomymous comments and blame IV.

    I wish campaigns were so easy. I feel the reason why you are not serious is because you already have EAD.

    10-01 05:06 PM
    In most critical situations a person can file a lawsuit in federal court and ask court to 1) compel USCIS to process your EAD within 1-2 days and 2) enjoin DHS from going after the employer if person continues working with expired EAD. Part 2 is available only if employer wants to participate in a lawsuit. Otherwise, file it yourself, it requires the same amount of time as filing for EAD.


    Can you give pointers on how / which court to file. ANy website link ,any past precedences on lawsuit for EAD would be really helpful

    I am nearing the expiration of current EAD for both myself and my wife. I am pursuing all other options actively and they are work in progress.

    USCIS expedite criteria met - no results for past 10 days
    workig with congressman
    sent to Ombudsman, they responsded that they are researching
    took infopass, no help


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