Wednesday 22 June 2011

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  • sphotani
    05-24 07:19 PM
    PD - Sep 2002
    Labour Certification approved - May 2005
    I-140 - Not filed yet

    I am about to file I-140 (PP) and I-485 concurrently beginning of June.
    But looks like the the May 21st cut-off screws it up completely.

    I have heard someone say that I might escape the new law if I get a Green Card before the law is enenforced on (10/1/2008). Does this assumption even hold any ground? Doesn't the proposed bill say that anyone who has filed I-140 after May 21st 2007 has to reapply regardless of where he is in the process.

    Gurus please advice.

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  • gcsngh
    09-22 04:19 PM
    Is a great idea...the punch line must start with "Legal"....;)

    Bumper Stickers are a powerful tool to pread political messages in America. It may not catch the eye balls of the senators, but can definitely give spead the message of IV.

    It's cheap, and long term free advertisement. I would say IV should distribute attractive non-controversial bumper-stickers, instead of flyers which end up in garbage cans

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  • sparklinks
    07-21 10:13 PM
    Are we done Voting? If not please do it now

    Can you add 2 votes to it, my friends submitted on July 2nd.

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  • GCKaMaara
    04-07 04:48 PM
    usually around 15 of every month

    Usually its around 8th of every month. We are close....

    Suspense music...
    Heavy boot voice...

    everyone in Immigration Haveli are scared to death. USCIS monster is going to strike again soon.... HA HA HA HA


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  • neel_gump
    07-19 03:06 PM
    EB3-India PD Dec2003 / FedEx delivered it on July 2nd 10:35am at NSC

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  • vikki76
    04-09 05:00 PM
    If you are in IT-only discrimination you will face is against a fellow IT worker who is willing to work 14 hours a day.Caste ism politics is valid for less fortunate 70% of indian population who are not part of urban India.
    I really doubt that anyone who is posting on this forum belongs to that group.So please don't bring unrelated topics while discussing -who is giving on frustrations of H1-B


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  • aadimanav
    05-21 12:33 PM

    My Firefox shows the APril but IE shows the May. Try deleting the cookies, temp files, cache, etc.

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  • 21stIcon
    07-16 11:08 AM
    Please! do let me know if you find any insurance company offering a million dollar whole life insurance for $100 a month!! :eek::eek::eek:

    As someone said, you really need good luck finding one!

    I never said whole life,term could cost around $100/m if your health is reasonably good at 60's not for heart disease or kidney transplant patience.

    If you are not aware you could pass on your term life insurance proceedings to your heir

    one of my family member have whole life for $81/month for $1m at the age of 28 in NJ, in this plan we will get back everything we paid after 30 years.


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  • pbojja
    05-22 01:24 PM
    Are they processing based on received date or notice date???

    If your lucky no date matters it will be approved any time , Techinically it should be receipt date , but who knows whatz going on ..

    Recepit Date and Notice Date are like project requirements which some team members get it right and some dont ..

    I think it will take few more years before they finish working on July 2007 cases and stream lining the process , so I guess for next year or so it will all be luck

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  • zephyrr
    11-03 10:28 PM
    are you sure one can fund an NRE account in Rs?

    i've had an NRE account and the only way to put money is in $. you can then withdraw the money in $ or Rs, but i haven't heard of being able to fund it with Rs to start with.

    i believe that students can also bring a much bigger chunk nowadays, maybe try that track.

    also, if the $100K can be brought to the US each yr, why can't parents send it here as a gift, what is the deal with 30%, does someone know?

    Check ICICI. I think it is called a NRE account. You can fund it in Dollars and Rupees and it could be repatriated in Dollars. So just open the account and have them deposit the monies India, you can draw it here. This kind of account is for NRI's who earn an income in India and want to access it here.
    There is a limit I think but it must be like $25K..

    Good Luck


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  • p_aluri
    11-14 02:33 AM
    You are on H1-B starting your approval today(i.e OCT 2007 in your case)

    if you leave USA, you have to get it stamped on your H1-B.

    So you may need to have paystubs.

    If you enter on H4,your H1-B will be abandoned and you no longer can work on H1-B.

    Again, I am not a lawyer, please talk to any attorney for further clarifications.

    I am on H4 for past 2yrs. My H1 is valid since Oct07. I want to travel to India in Dec this yr. I have few questions:

    1. I haven't started to work. So, what is my status as of now, after my H1 being aproved and valid since Oct1 2007?

    2. My H4 is valid till Mar 2008. If I want to travel to India in Nov end and come back in Dec, do I need stamping on my H1 from the consulate.
    If YES then:
    Do I need to show any pay-stubs?
    I NO then:
    a. At the port of entry what status is I am supposed to declare?

    b. If I enter as an H4 then does that invalidate my H1 visa?

    Plz help!!

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  • akhilmahajan
    08-15 10:55 AM
    Thanks for adding the poll.

    GO IV GO.


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  • walking_dude
    03-18 10:56 AM
    The, few, motivated members like me who do take time off to visit Congressmen offices - do make all the points written down by you and some more. Our issue isn't that we are short of ideas or points. We have them in plenty. I assure you that I have raised these issues and made these points in every meeting that I have had so far.

    Our issue is shortage of volunteers ready to visit Congressmen offices and making these points. It's highly critical that IV members keep visiting these lawmaker offices in small groups on a continuing basis (one group after another) to keep up the pressure and convince them of the genuineness and the breadth of our problem.

    It would help our cause immensely if members did actually meet the lawmakers and made these points themselves, instead of expecting the few motivated members to act like a postman between them and the lawmakers. If lawmakers saw a larger number of members approaching them with the same points, it will make a better impact than a group of three which approaches them one in a while. It would help your cause as well as ours, if members did take initiative, set up meetings, and participated in these activities organized by state chapters in greater numbers

    o.k. I agree. This was my suggestion - whenever core or senior or motivated members meet congressmen or other important people - he/she can just add this comment(in addition to whatever else they want to say) -
    we represent the legal immigrant community. we believe that around 300K legal immigrants would contribute more to the US if something was done to take care of the inefficiencies and the long delays at USCIS. many of us have put on hold important decisions like buying houses, cars etc because of the uncertainities in the legal immigration process ..if something steps were taken to give the legal community ( like multiple year EAD's, less wastage of visa / visa recapture etc etc etc) ...then we can communicate the same to our members and this would help everyone etc etc etc. and maybe add the point that due to excessive delays and uncertainities (and the uncaring attitude of USCIS ..driver license issues etc) many skilled immi end up migrating to other countries which are more welcoming like canada, australia etc
    I dont see how the above can hurt ?? maybe we need to write the above in a better way ...BTW even greenspan earlier had said that the problem in housing was an excess inventory of about 200 to 300 k house..ofcourse we cannot solve the present problems which is beyond everyone ..our aim is just to get more stability with multiple year EAD or faster GC's

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  • xu1
    03-25 10:03 AM
    I just used bank billpay to send in a small contribution.. I will continue my support once the expenditure schedule is viewable by volunteers. The bank deducts the amount right away but I don't think they indicate whether the payee have actually cashed the check by the payment date. So could someone issue a receipt via email or forum private message? I included my forum id on the billpay. Thanks guys.


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  • forever
    06-12 08:31 PM
    I agree with the analysis given by willwin. In fact, I was thinking on similar lines. If no visas are wasted and total number of pending employment based visas is around 200,000 as given by Mr. Op.. himself, I do not see any reason why dates do not move. My estimation is both EB-2 and EB-3 dates for China and India will hover in the range of 2005 ~ 2006. This estimation is based on number of applications filed during Pre-PERM and Post-PERM era with two recessions taking the toll on number of applications received by USCIS.
    Only assumptions in the above analysis are
    1. Figures given by Mr. Op.. is somewhat correct. (Seems to be correct based on monthly statistics released by USCIS since 2008)
    2. USCIS does not intend to waste visas.(This also can be safely assumed as they are following the policy of not wasting for the last two years)
    3.No country limit. (This seems correct if point 2 is correct)

    Now guys, do not disturb my dream.:)

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  • eb_retrogession
    02-25 05:06 PM
    Sent my second contribution in the last 3 weeks! I will keep contributing till I can, God willing!

    Thanx buddy


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  • ivslave
    09-11 11:04 PM
    votes and replies. I have updated my profile...

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  • gcpain
    04-09 02:27 PM
    I just want to point out one missing thing here. I read all postings here and you guys talking about "People like lallu, Jaya, Karunanidhi, Naidu etc,". Might be you will add some more names for this category. I am sure most of the above patriotic Indians will not like to add names like Bal Thackeray, Modi etc. Majority of you guys like to add names like Dawood ibrahim (I hate guys who kill other human being including this guy) to bad guys list. At least people like "lallu, Jaya, Karunanidhi, Naidu etc" are Ok (that does not mean they are good). They kill one or two (might be 10/50) for their self interest and money. Guys like Bal Thackeray, Modi killing entire community openly by taking Police support. Same time so called patriotic-Indians elect these guys and make chief ministers. I always wonder when Thackeray, Modi can become ministers after committing such atrocities and walk freely in India, why can't people like Dawood Ibrahim (after all he is also indian and successful in his own profession).

    You guys may think that I am racist by reading above lines. From bottom of my heart I vote for punishing all bad guys ( irrespective of their religion) who harm innocent human beings. Long live India����..

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  • pbuckeye
    04-19 09:09 AM
    Thanks for the link, planets !
    Tarikh pe tarikh, tarikh pe tarikh........... :(

    Yep, I think we need to get Sunny Deol to appear for a congressional hearing on immigration and deliver that famous speech. :D

    07-19 10:17 AM
    EB2/USPS certified delivered on 02-Jul-07 12.45 pm JULY CURRENT(as per USPS tracking no. confirmation)






    08-27 01:11 PM
    Need Approval in Hand.. Receipt Notice Does not work in most of the states and new states are adding this as requirement every month...

    I had similar issue for my spouse on H4. Was out of license for about a month... It would be a good issue to be brought up at Sep 18 Rally and added to core issues handled by IV in general. Lots of future immigrants are facing this.. But we need a collective voice as usual with any immigrant issue to get a resolution.. More and more states are joining to make Driver License as your "Immigration Status Document" causing "LEGAL to work but NOT LEGAL to drive" situation....

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