Thursday 16 June 2011

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  • bkarnik
    04-26 02:11 PM

    Good luck is fine...but do not say good bye yet. :) We need your story too. See threads elsewhere in this forum.

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  • meg_z
    02-02 03:40 PM

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  • bc_rp
    12-11 02:08 PM
    The reason for your delay is because of a new rule instituted by the consulates. Here is a extract from on that topic.

    PIMS Verification Required for Certain Nonimmigrant Visas
    Posted Dec 07, 2007
    The U.S. Department of State (DOS) issued a directive in November 2007 to the U.S. consular posts that the correct procedure for visa issuance in nonimmigrant categories H, L, O, P, and Q will now require consulting an electronic record. The purpose of the Petition Information Management Service, known as PIMS, is to verify that the employer's underlying petition has been approved by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Even if a beneficiary takes an original I-797 approval notice to the interview, previously sufficient basis for visa issuance, s/he now will have to wait until the information is confirmed through PIMS.
    Not Fully in Place, but Verification May Be Effective Immediately
    While nonimmigrant visa appointments can be scheduled on the basis of approved I-129 petitions and I-797 approval notices, per the DOS instructions now in place, no visas may be issued without verification through the PIMS system. Because no further guidance from the DOS has been issued as of this writing, some consular posts are taking the position that the new directive is effective immediately.
    48 Hours for New Approvals to be Available in PIMS
    Seeking clarification on the new electronic record visa issuance procedure, the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) contacted DOS officials who indicated that, as of November 29, 2007, the data on approvals had not been electronically transferred. Where consular notification is requested, however, information on new approvals should be available in PIMS within 48 hours.
    Domestic Clearinghouse Option for Verification
    DOS has stated that, in the event that an overseas consular post cannot obtain verification of an approved petition through PIMS, it may submit a request through a domestic clearinghouse that can confirm with USCIS that a petition has been approved. The DOS, however, has failed to indicate the processing time for such a request or the number of cases it anticipates may not currently appear in PIMS.
    How quickly or efficiently the new verification process through PIMS will work remains to be seen. Visa applicants who may be affected by this new process are encouraged to plan well in advance of their visa appointments so that they are prepared if the visa issuance takes longer than expected. We will continue to share updated information with MurthyDotCom and MurthyBulletin readers on developments regarding this new system.

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  • alisa
    02-11 03:56 PM
    By doing what you are suggesting

    a) you take numbers away from EB-3 ROW and hurt them
    b) you don't do any benefit whatsoever to EB-3 India/China
    c) you only benefit EB-2 India/China (at the expense of EB-3 ROW)

    So, you make no difference whatsoever to huge number of EB-applicants (b), and you benefit (c) at the expense of (a).

    I hope you see that this is not a good solution for the majority of EB-applicants. With this kind of cannibalization, the only people who have any incentive to stay with IV would be EB-2 India/China.

    We have to work to increase the size of the pie here, and not engage in a zero sum game.

    It says "not required by other classes". In this case it is required but could not be applied to EB2 due to per country numerical limits. Therefore it should go to unused pool of visas followed by AC21. Also why will USCIS prefer EB3 instead of EB2 people? It does not make sense.

    As far as suing the govt is concerned we all know what happened to doctors in the UK.. so this is will be a futile exercise.


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  • BharatPremi
    12-13 03:21 PM
    I do not support "Paid membership". I support "Recurring Contribution". Ultimately it is money but at basic definition both concepts are completely different. Other thing, restricting access to the informative threads, definately not a good idea.
    It will not match the basic theme with what we have initiated our struggle. Yes, for dedicted ones, to recognize their
    continuous zeal ad cooperation different methods and means can be thought out but that should not be the restricting informative threads to fence sitters...Ultimately we support "open and free"

    boston globe. the Boston Globe and the
  • the Boston Globe and the

  • amitga
    01-29 10:05 PM
    People cannot pay $20 in immigration voice, but they are willing to pay $10K for sub labor.

    Anyway I think in the next few months people will buy labor like crazy, and file I140 preminum.


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  • kumarc123
    01-10 09:38 AM
    I have been a IV member since 2006 . I have seen the ups/downs . donated money , sent letters , attended rallies and done whatever has been been proposed . But I see that many senior members who had the drive to motivate people are not sending or being part of any messages or threads at all and that is exactly why the movement seems to be losing steam .

    The standard response that I see to any question is "have you donated money ? " . "Don't ask for anything till you have donated. " this is followed by some some red dots which normally works to silence the questions. People will be willing to donate when they believe in the movement . I remember we collected $ 30,000 in 1 month before the rally there was huge thread with all the donations . People were charged up and the money came up automatically . I am willing to donate but to be brutally honest I do not see the same level of motivation as was there in 2006 / 2007 days .Please use this as a wakeup call and not as reason to vent your frustration on me .

    There are many senior members who I do not even see any more . Members joining in late 2007 or early 2008 will not know any of these guys .

    Aman Kapoor . He is the founder of IV . I have not seen his messages since the past 3 years almost . Where is he ? Is it too much for him to send a greeting in New years eve motivating the members ? It takes just 2 minutes .

    Mark Bartosik :- He was supposed to the spokesperson for IV .The guy with the MasterCard sign for immigration . I have not seen him for quite some time now
    Where are the other senior leaders like
    a) Walden Pond
    b) There was a this British Girl from San Jose ( had a handle which had name like Rose or something )
    c) Niloufer Bustani from Dallas. I see her once in a while but very sparingly .

    The others even I have forgotten completely.

    The only leadership/core that I see is Pappu and no one else . If you have a country where the prime minister shows his face only once in 4 years , how are the people supposed to believe in that movement ? Please don't reply with a message saying what have I done or why can't I contribute money ? I have done that I am looking for leadership to show us the way and motivate us . All campaigns don't need money donations( Letters , calls , faxes etc ) . We could start with that and then drum up support and momentum and then the money will start flowing in automatically . There has to be a synchronized campaign organized by the leadership and all I see is everybody putting their eggs in the basket called spillover.

    they ask me for monthly contributions and I ask them to hold something big, a rally or something first, as I was not July2007 filer. That's why I am stopping to come here now. To ask for contributions, IV must hold something big,

    2010 [Boston Globe Front Page] boston globe. Boston Globe pictures
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  • LetsFightForIT
    01-31 12:29 PM
    Hi all,
    The questions are 6 and 18 today 9.42Am PST and guess wat i voted yesterday and today from the same computer. SO pls try and vote again today.


    boston globe. The Boston Globe - When
  • The Boston Globe - When

  • gk_2000
    04-20 04:41 PM
    cellpho, dont mind the hypocrites here. They are blinded by frustration and have lost their minds. In fact, at this rate, the time may not be far away when they decide to bid adieu

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  • puvathoor
    12-13 12:55 PM
    I like the idea of an annual $100 fee to join.. that way all members have contributed.

    Secondly, i think while a forum method is good, the Administrators should stop posting vitriolic messages ( For Ex: " I cannot believe people are not donating" / " you should be ashamed.." and such).. This creates a very childish image for this organization.

    If there are 25k members and your funding drive is for $30k, why don't you accept $5 and $10 donations?.. Why only $100 or above?.. With 25k members, if we start a drive to donate $1 / member and only 1 in 10 respond, you will reach your funding goal.

    My thoughts..


    boston globe. from the Boston Globe;
  • from the Boston Globe;

  • ronhira
    07-17 10:53 PM
    Is it possible to add VISA recapture to this bill? ????

    Family reuniting Bill H.R. 2709 Introduced Jun 4, 2009.
    H.R. 2709: Reuniting Families Act ( (

    you got it! its done.... only because u said it.... for such a brilliant idea which no one could think..... i want to nominate you for the president of the united states of america

    proud member of 'GCperm for president'!!!!

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  • desi3933
    08-22 01:47 PM
    Here's an anecdote -

    This was back in the late 80s, when I was growing up - in Bangalore.

    India had just lost the Finals of a well fought [field] hockey match to Pakistan. We were all very disappointed by the loss, but it saddened me further to see a victory procession with waving Pakistani flags in the Muslim parts of the City.

    Ofcourse, India is a secular country and more so the United States.. and you can cheer whoever you please..

    But, If you chose to become a US Citizen, and US were in a battle with your country of Origin (let's narrow it down to Sports, to keep it less complicated), which country would you side? If I chose to side with my country of origin, it would make me a hypocrite, wouldn't it ?

    >> which country would you side?
    Without a doubt, USA as I am a US citizen and USA is my country.


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  • smisachu
    07-30 11:47 AM
    You can trade commodities like stocks by taking a directional bet on long term price movement. But this is what you need to consider. Stocks always trade in Spot. If you buy MSFT you own shares of Microsoft today. Although single stock futures (SSF) are available now we will not look at derivatives right now.

    Commodities are traded as futures. You can buy Soy futures today for December delivery or lean hogs for dec 2010 delivery.
    Under conditions of No-Arbitrage the price of the future will be the price of the spot plus storage and delivery costs. If for example 3 month LSC (Light Sweet crude) is trading on NYMEX at $60; the cost of storage and delivery is say $20 for 3 months. Then 6 month LSC should be trading at $80. But if you look at the contract it might be trading at $55.

    The reason being fundamentals. The peak driving season or the hurricane season is over and heating oil season is not yet on us or by looking at weather derivatives traders are factoring in milder winter. The leader of Iran has declared he will step down from office and retire to Hawaii, the rebels in Nigeria have turned themselves in and joined a church missionary..stuff like that.

    So you might believe these fundamental assumptions or you might do your own research and say that the traders are wrong and they are discounting critical factors and the price should be more. So you can go long the future and hope for an increase in price and sell the future before delivery for a profit. This is the expensive route but you will never be wiped out for sure. Price of crude may drop but will never go to zero.

    Or you trade options on the futures, for example:
    Borrow money (leverage) buy the call; short delta units of the future contract and invest the proceeds at the risk free rate.
    If you are correct the call will end up in the money, the shorted futures will loose value but since it is “delta” units it is only a portion of the position and the invested money will earn you the risk free rate. So you make some money on the call and loose some on the hedge and net you will profit. (Hopefully to cover the transaction costs and taxes)

    If you are wrong (price falls) your call will expire worth less so you are wiped out there, your short will increase in value and you will still earn the risk free rate. So although net you will loose money it will not be as much as a naked call because of delta hedging.

    This is explained in very very simple terms. Each transaction step will indicate modeling prices to know if the future is priced correctly, if the option is priced correctly and if the leverage you are getting is correct. Plus modeling future price movements and expected rate of returns and the most primary thing in any transaction the “Alpha”. Source of alpha should be very clearly defined. Let me go a bit deep and include some simple math:

    E[R] = Alpha + betaR + epsalon

    Where E[R] is the expected return-(see statists for more on expectation functions.)
    alphais the excess return
    betaR is market return or what the price of the commodity does in the duration chosen. (Market betais 1)
    epsalonis error term or un explained return.

    (Sorry the greek symbols did not display so I wrote words)

    This is a kindergarten model of modeling your alpha. As there are many variables you will use a multi variant model to figure out return. Plus as I said in my previous post you have to model jumps. Jumps are spikes of very short duration which will only be seen in a log normal price distribution. A Gaussian distribution might not be changed much because of a spike of small duration. For example if you are trading electricity and the temperature in NJ hits 110 degrees, there is going to be a spike on that day for electricity prices but this will fall as soon as temperature falls.

    And the core issue of all is you need to have access to products as indicated by puddonhead plus money and leverage capacity and risk bearing capacity. As you see this is not for the faint of heart or for some one to do part time. If you are really sophisticated and can do this with good resources, fine or else my advice is stick to stocks or stock derivatives. Hedge funds have teams of quants and super computers sitting and doing this every day. They will vacuum out even the slightest of alpha out there; they will simply take your money if you enter into a wrong trade. If someone is a quant and does this for a living then if his contract allows it or if his licensing allows it legally he can do it on the side but apart from it definitely not something the retail investor should indulge in. Just invest in some ETF like GLD or USO or some commodity mutual funds at the max.

    Best of luck!!

    tattoo the Boston Globe and the boston globe. full page Boston Globe ad.
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  • sri1309
    10-06 07:17 PM
    pls post in property related forums..


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  • hpandey
    07-18 07:40 AM
    Dude, You might be a new entry in to the ball of Immigration now. As said earlier , every one is free to judge and post the queries. If IV is shutting door of any questions you wouldnt have seen forum threads. There is enough discussion and direction taken on information being released to ALL members. Why one should complain IV not doing anything ?

    here are some atleast, immaterial you agree or not:

    1. If ppl are reaping benefits of EAD for multiple years , its becoz of IV.
    2. whole of July fiasco was a win becoz of IV , not sure whether you are in the boat, but i can see the pain and how IV helped all of us.
    3. all the admin fixes were co-ordinated by IV ,
    4. The list goes on.. those 3 above are just enough to prove the help an ORGANIZATION did with minimal resources. Also please note none of the core are full time IV , they are also ppl like you and me.

    Reason one has donor forum is becoz they are trusted sources. How can one know that you are pro-immigrant or anti-immigrant.

    You would see dialy or minutes updates on sites of anti-immigrants becoz they have dedicated members and number base is too high.

    Again , no one is shutting door against you, looking at your post i see you are shutting door against yourself just becoz your idea of Fax through AILA is not acceptable as an IV agenda.

    Do you know first of all what provisions in CIR 2007 were in there which would have broke the back of ppl on H1 and potential immigrants? Can you confirm which provisions of CIR 2009 if there be one will help you ? will you support CIR even if it says you have to go back to india in no time ? AILA never mentioned in first place whether it would support EB community.

    Plain simple, we pay Dollars even to newspaper ... You dont want to contribute for your own cause but get info for free and prove that will raise for your own cause. Those newsletters are for your benefit and collectively for the whole community.

    Still IV is posting info to non-paying members , IV Never shuts its door but with limited resources they are doing what they can. Before complaining on IV you do your part. :cool:

    Hope this helps you to rethink differently...

    Also , FYI... AILA doesnt post all messages to free members .. all the critical info is circulated via PAID members of AILA.. this is part of any organization ... Can you complain against AILA, becoz if you are FREE member of AILA you still get emails like the one reg. Fax to CIR... There is a lot going in background for CIR than many of us even know...

    Well said.

    Raji - I don't know how long you have been around since you just started posting. If you want to promote Family Based Immigration go ahead and go for it.

    We all at IV are for EB visa recapture and would want to use our energy and resources for that. IV has done a lot of things for us in the past and continues to do so. In fact IV is the ONLY organization that fights for us.

    The last CIR was like a bill from hell for us Legals. You can be very sure the coming CIR is going to be like this too ( with the job enviroment so bad ) . Unless we see something concrete helping the EB community in any bill , supporting it doesn't make any sense.

    I don't want the transfer of EB unused visas to FB visa category. As such they already have much more visas every year .

    dresses with Boston Globe » oston boston globe. As The Boston Globe Struggled,
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  • anzerraja
    07-19 07:06 PM
    Thanks once again.

    Will do


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  • srikondoji
    07-11 10:40 AM
    Nope. There is no need to wait for actual rejection.
    The revised bulletin clearly says that they are going to reject any july applications.

    Also, they cannot hold the applications for ever as there will be other potential problems like travel.

    So, something should happen between now and the August 1st.

    Now that USCIS / DOS know that they have made mistake and also aware that this is exposed to the entire country. So this is what they are doing.

    1. Keep all the applications pending so that AILF could not start the lawsuit. ALIF needs rejection proof.
    2. Updated their site stating the receipt notice will be sent after Aug 1st, So everyone keeps quiet till this date.
    3. I beleive, the Judge will rule out by July 29 saying that itis fault of DOS / USCIS and say they have to accept all the applications which are filed in July leaving the applicants only two days to file.
    4. No one can argue that all the ELIGIBLE applicants should be allowed to file. The reason is NOT all the eligible applicants filed in June. Also if you feel that you are eligible for July, then you should have prepared all your application papers ready by July 29. If you cannot file, you are out.

    I feel, this is what is going to happen. So better prepare your papers and keep it ready.

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  • caliguy
    09-17 05:17 PM
    natrajs - Is your case at TSC or NSC?

    hairstyles from the Boston Globe; boston globe. in the Boston Globe.
  • in the Boston Globe.

  • sodh
    07-12 02:40 PM
    All right go for CHAI after the rally !
    What about vadapav.

    02-01 08:16 PM

    I know an instance where a big american pay roll company got people from india on business visa and made them work for $50 per day and the poor guys were slogging more than 10 hours a day.

    Ofcourse the manager is a desi ..

    I know even Accenture brings people on B1 visa @ 50 dollars a day

    06-18 11:25 AM
    --> --> --> --> --> --> --> -->
    Myself car1 car2 car3 car4 car5 car6 car7

    Going by the accident Scenario.

    Friend of mine involved in similar situation..

    and the cop who came on the scene given ticket to every one except car7.

    Reason he quoted is every car has to maintain enough distance(not sure how much by law :confused:)... Had they maintained enough distance they would not hit the car in front of them even somebody hits you from behind..

    So Car3 has no right to SUE you..

    Hope this would help you.

    Wish You tough luck for situation you are in...

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